You are the cold hand on the back of my neck
the pulsing breath chained to my heart
on days when the world grinds on my mind
and I feel the ground tug too hard on my toes
you are the voice beating in children's ears
telling them to cut into their own wrists
the scarlet milk running Down their palms
painting their fingers with a deep color.
when civilization feels nothing is left but darkness
They turn to you.
you can bring death and damnation,
sadness and pain.
you can bring nothing.
or you can bring healing.
time away with a good book
snuggled between the covers
warm and content.
a walk with nature
consumed with the smell of pine needles and daisies.
time well spent or time in the dark.
"Dear Loneliness" was written by Beth Day, a participant in Manifest Voices, So Lit's summer poetry workshop for teens led by spoken-word poet Christian Collier. The participants of Manifest Voices will be giving readings from their work at the Arts Building on July 29 at 6:30 pm.